

Ok so I had promised myself I wouldn't even start thinking about autumn clothes until september at the earliest, but seeing as it is now raining in JULY (seriously what is that about?), I let myself start lusting after pretty new things...

leather, clogs, faux-fur, wedges, lace ups, sheer blouses, leopard print, chunky knits, aviator jackets..

photos courtesy of knightcat, fashion toast, newlook & topshop

Please Vote :)

Hi everyone, I have entered the blog for a chance to be shortlisted as part of the Cosmo blog awards, and I would really appreciate it if you could take a few seconds of your time to vote! Just click above :) Hope you all have a great weekend.

Stefenie x




Ok so I know I have been a completely useless blogger for the last few days, things have been crazy again and it keeps slipping my mind...I ask your forgiveness!
I will get some new look photos up in the next few days, for now here are a few pictures of things that inspired me or caused me to lust after them.

photos from fgr, knightcat & i♥wildfox


I ♥ Santorini

Just home from my amazing holiday on the beautiful island of Santorini! Had a great time, and fell in love with the island and the people there.. Here are a few holiday snapshots :) hope you all had a good week.


Αντίο για τώρα

Posting will be a bit non existant for the next week as I am off to the beautiful island of Santorini in the morning! So looking forward to it :) I promise to post a huge amount of holiday looks when I get home - have a good week :)

Stefenie x

(photos from santorini.net)
title of post is 'goodbye for now' in Greek - not that I have the slightest clue how to say it!


Sylvia Geersen ♥

This woman is SO beautiful, it actually hurts a little bit! Stunning photographs with drool-worthy pastel hues - and I'm lusting after that leather dress.

photographs by Milad Sahafzadeh, courtesy of fashiongonerogue.com


Ready, Steady, SHOP.

Just a couple of snaps of today's outfit - very simple but this was quite necessary for a marathon shopping trip with a friend in preparation for our holiday next week (excited! :D). Couldn't help but wear the owl vest again - SO comfortable.


Be Inspired ♥

Been a crazy week this week so posting has pretty much gone out the window! Here is a quick one of a few pictures that have inspired me :)

photos from knightcat, style copycat and song of style