

via fgr

Definitely wouldn't mind being somewhere like that right now! Such pretty blonde waves and laid back style.


Interior Love

via fffound & thedecorista

dark wood floors, metallic neutrals and simple white walls...perfect.



Shoe Porn

via shoeporndaily

I am dying over these shoes. So fierce and the perfect colour for spring. Loving the maximum grip textured sole too - shoes that are beautiful and heavy duty never get old.

High Street Most Wanted

Wow I've been slacking! Uni has been keeping me extra busy but finally with just 4 days until the Easter holidays I'm starting to feel sane again. A few of the many things I'm lusting after at the moment, add to this list anything nude coloured, suede and maxi length...pretty much anything that vaguely reminds me that summer is on its way. 

You know you're a penniless student when its high street you're lusting after, looking at anything more high end is too depressing for me right now!




The ultimate Brazilian beauty is on fire right now! With editorials for V & Vogue Turkey and the new H&M campaign, it looks like Gisele is as much in demand as ever.